Cynosure is a highly regarded manufacturer with a wealth of experience in developing lasers and medical systems. The equipment produced by Cynosure leads to a wide array of treatment options. Cynosure entered the market in 1991 and is present in over 60 countries throughout the world with its head office in USA. Cynosure UK is a subsidiary of Cynosure USA.
Cynosure is generally regarded as one of the top 5 laser manufacturers in world, alongside Lumenis, Fotona, Alma and Candela.
The product range from Cynosure is a little confusing with different machines offering basically the same treatments, so getting the product to fit your requirements is not always easy.
For laser hair-removal treatments and other applications Cynosure offers 3 models with different options available in each of the models.
Cynosure Acclaim - An Nd:Yag platform used mainly for hair removal and vascular lesions
Cynosure Apogee - An alexandrite 755nm laser for hair removal and epidural lesions, which comes in 2 models with the + model more powerful than the other.
Cynosure Elite - A combination platform with Nd:YAG and Alexandrite for a wider range of applications including hair removal for all skin types. The + model is again the higher powered version. Whereas the MPX offers the option of intense pulse light as well as both laser wavelengths.
Cynosure also offers Q-switch lasers which are used for tattoo removal as well as other applications.
The options here are:
Cynosure Accolade - A q-switch alexandrite 755nm
Medlight C6 - Offering 2 wavelength’s 1064nm and 532nm, as well as optional converters to achieve wavelengths of 585nm and 650nm
Picosure - a picosecond laser for tattoo removal and other applications.
Cynosure also offers a range of aesthetic platforms for body contouring, cellulite and much more.
Contact the Laser Market to discuss your requirements.
Cynosure Laser Systems

Cynosure Acclaim laser - Nd:YAG system for hair removal on all skin types and to treat vascular lesions and leg & facial veins.
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The Accolade is a high-powered, Q-switched Alexandrite laser providing fast treatment for removal of benign epidermal and dermal pigmented lesions; such as acquired dermal melanocytosis, Nevus of Ota, freckles and multi-colored tattoos.
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Apogee & Apogee +
Cynosure Apogee and Cynosure Apogee + (Apogee Plus) - Alexandrite lasers offering excellent laser Hair Removal on skin types 1 - 3
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Elite & Elite +
Both the Elite and the 'Elite Plus' laser are combination platforms offering both Nd:YAg 1064nm and Alexandrite 755nm. This means it can offer excellent treatments on all skin types as well as applications such as optimise the treatment for that particular skin type.
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Elite MPX
The Cynosure Elite MPX is a combination platform offering both Alexandrite 755nm and Nd:YAg 1064nm; as well as intense pulsed light (IPL).
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MedLite C6
The Medlite C6 provides a choice of 1064nm, 532nm, 650nm and 585nm wavelengths, permitting full colour tattoo removal as well as pigmentation removal.
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The Picosure was the industry’s first pico-second technology laser, with the suggestion from the manufacturer that it allowed fasted, more effective, pigment removal.
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Cynosure Laser Servicing & Support
The Laser Market has its own experienced Laser Engineers, able to provide servicing & maintenance on most Cynosure models.
Fast, effective services, tailored to your needs - and at an unbeatable cost.
Need we say more?
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